
SALES Sales is a challenging position

PREP has been part of numerous radio, auto dealers, insurance, manufacturing, real estate and hospitality industry sales and selections since 1987 in the US, England and New Zealand. Our unique insight on an applicant’s Current Motivation, Resiliency Energy and Stress levels adds to our highly researched Job Profile-Candidate Matching styles to help identify beyond the “natural” salesperson-match. 

We are highly skilled at assessing
candidates and sorting

  • Who will NOT likely be successful –at this point in time
  • Some for ‘saving’ till better life-balance timing
  • Some that would do best being redirected towards a different industry/field/career path
  • Who is a Natural Match and may have some issues at present due to circumstances that should be further researched and verified.
  • Needing a less demanding current situation, growing into a fuller, more challenging role when hired into a supportive, motivating and positive environment for their natural skills.
  • Who is “charged and hungry” for sales—even if not a”permanent” role in their personal career map.  Our research indicates we can help identify the individual who has high potential to:
  • Grow into a leadership position
  • Find a niche in another part of the organization that will benefit from the Sales-connections and customer perspective that Sales offers
  • Will be that “Natural Match” with good current resiliency and motivation… the optimal, but not as common as all the other combinations
  • in this world of high talent competition!
  • Specific guidance for developing and formulating behavioral, insightful and respectful interview and reference checking questions,
    • Highlighting strategic understanding of responses you want to uncover
    • Reinforcing your hire or no-hire decision… not as a sole factor but strong insight as to Job Success Probability for that position, at this time
  • Other key tips to verify the assessment predictors for your top talent search recruiting and hiring strategies

Beyond the candidate’s rating and interviewing strategies

We offer reports and insights to specifically match the candidate with prospective sales manager to support onboarding engagement and long term retention success. 

Our Sales Team Charts and Reports are the “icing on the cake” that engage entire Sales teams, inspiring mutual motivation, sense of comradery, customer soft skills integration… all essential to accomplishing Sales Goals and Organizational targets and Mission.

“I have been a satisfied customer of PREP since 1993. PREP has the ability to objectively dissect a potential job candidate’s inherent strengths and deficiencies that simply cannot be uncovered in a customer interviewing process, no matter how rigorous. PREP is an integral part of our hiring process: it saves us time, and ultimately saves us money because we hire better qualified prospects. It is an extremely useful management tool.”
Sales Director, Radio Station, Chicago, IL