COACHING Sales Coaching
Sales Coaching has often been an organic process, where the new sales rep is paired with a senior, top producer to go on calls together. The new sales rep is supposed to ‘pick up’ on the tactics used, scripts, targeting, timing of a well crafted opening and close to the sales call.
That can work and has worked for decades. And, sometimes a more personalized approach can change the game for the new Sales rep.
If the mentor is paired with the new hire where their CORE natural styles are similar in at least a few key trait combinations, if not their primary trait, there are remarkable case studies PREP can site that demonstrate bottom line productivity by using such a strategy in the onboarding process of a new sales person.
Knowing the Sales style approach can help reinforce effective parts the sales rep has demonstrated to then approach the less effective areas . It’s helpful to remind the Sales professional being coached that frankly, it’s hard to do all the highly nuanced sales cycle steps and phases well. Most individuals have learned their biggest lessons through ‘the school of hard-knocks’… were very persevering and kept getting up 8 times when they were knocked down 7 times.
"PREP provides my clients with valuable insight every time they use it...Insight that helps them manage more effectively, match people and opportunities more efficiently, and train teams to leverage their strengths. I also use PREP in executive coaching to quickly gain an immediate understanding of how my clients prefer to communicate and approach problems."

- Chicago