myCORE myCORE Reports
MyCORE Series begins with myCORE Intro. This is an abridged version of the myCORE Self and the full professional myCORE™ Insights. The myCORE Career is a specially designed report for career- and job- changers as a starting point for identifying directions to explore – both at work in your field of interest and/or education that may be your next step.
Each report level offers more detail and de description of how you communicate with others, with the Certified Coach version offering an ‘owner’s guide’ to understand you at a deeper level appreciating your strengths and challenges. Our members report these reports are quite helpful for relationship development – whether at home or work!
MyCORE Intro is the introductory report of your primary CORE Trait, When you opt-in to join the myCORE™ Research Community as participant in the global cross-cultural “Understanding People – anywhere, anytime” study, you receive this free.
myCORE™ Self Report: Focuses on your Strengths, Challenges and Difficult Situations that is an abbreviated version of the PREP Professional Reports. You’ll learn about your two primary trait characteristics that describe your most basic nature and preferences.
myCORE™ Career Guide – This foundational career report offers you informative descriptions on best- match careers and motivating career environments for your CORE™ Character style. This report is designed to help you begin exploring your optimal and most Natural Career Matches and educational focus area/s.