CORE TRAITS Learn About CORE™ Character Traits
CORE Traits
The CORE Character Traits and the Adaptive Style are the heart of our CORE Trait Insights. The more you understand of the different CORE styles, the more you will understand and appreciate your strengths and challenges, as well as others- at home and at work.
The following for each Trait offers
–an overview to the CORE styles
–deeper interpretation as represented by the mythological characters from around the world associated with the different styles. –how to recognize the different styles.
–career insights and natural roles the various traits are attracted to.
–Opposite traits that may challenge and/or complement your strengths!
Your PREP Certified Coaches – whether face-to-face or online – offer deeper understanding for applying your specific CORE Character to life-work balance, communications, interpersonal relationships, career decisions, hiring, staff development, managerial decisions and employee development, personal resiliency, relationship development and life-work balance.
Enjoy! We hope this offers you some insight and hlpful understanding!
The Controlling style is proactive, self-directed, thinking- and outcome-oriented.
Natural leaders …. Strong decision-makers … Want clear goals and outcomes … Ask directly for what they want … Adventurers.
In Greek mythology, the representative character of the Controlling Style is Prometheus, a primordial-based Titan, who embodies foresight. He and his twin were in charge of distributing Personality Traits to all the creatures on earth. When his twin ran out of positive traits by the time he came to humans, Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity to rescue people from ignorance, enlightening the world. The Olympian gods were not pleased and punished Prometheus, partially with his gift of forethought and ability to visualize the future, which is not always good to know!
You can recognize Controlling styles by their intense interest in “getting to the point” and may at times step on toes to get it!
Careers for Controlling styles include directing or leadership activities, troubleshooting, supervision and anything requiring goal setting, setting boundaries, critical decision-making and very clear communications.
The opposite traits are supportive and Relaxed.
The Outgoing style is proactive, others-referenced, feeling- and people/process oriented.
Naturally optimistic … Eager to meet and greet people … Talkative … Prefer to discuss friendly topics, nothing negative … Seek to have fun.
In Greek mythology, Dionysus (also known as Bacchus in Roman myths), brought an end to worrying and woes through wine or ritual madness or ecstasy. Bringing joy and happiness to others is a passion for those with the Outgoing trait. Their sense of fun can look like a child-like zeal both contagious for its enthusiasm and annoying when it’s time to really get down to work.
You can recognize Outgoing Styles by their happy, sometimes very proactive personal greeting, “Hi!” even when others are trying to focus or concentrate on something else.
Careers for Outgoing styles include people relationships – whether customer focused, general public relations and just about anything impacting or interacting in people processes.
The opposite traits are Exacting and introspective.
The Relaxed style is responsive, self-referenced, feeling- and people/process oriented.
Peace-seeking … listeners and observers … long-term relationship oriented … self-reflective … enjoy a relaxed pace.
In Greek mythology, Apollo brought humanity soulful contemplation, music and the arts, athletic ability, healing and also revenge. Apollo is important and a many-sided Olympic God. Medicine and healing were associated with Apollo, and he functioned as the patron god of music and poetry. He had magical powers that could both bring on a plague and cure it – however he desired to act.
Relaxed styles are sometimes not as easy to recognize as they are often good listeners and may enjoy their observing, quiet position to that of being “front and center” and may deflect the focus of attention being solely on them.
Careers for Relaxed styles involve planning processes – whether involving people, data, tools, design or artisan activities. Their strategic perspectives for integrating multiple patterns impacting the overall flow of activities is important to their decision-making, especially when understanding how interpersonal relationships impact outcomes. Careers involving good listening and observation skills are often a satisfying match.
The opposite traits are Controlling and urgent.
The Exacting style is responsive, others-referenced, thinking- and task/outcome oriented.
Organized … Analytical … Loyal and fairness oriented … Detailed … Want to do right/fulfill their Duty
In Greek mythology, Epimetheus, embodying hindsight, was Prometheus’ twin brother – the one who handed out positive personality traits to all the creatures, but ran out of the positive traits before he got to humans … For his twin brother’s cleverness in stealing fire to save humans from forever being ignorant, they were both punished by the gods. The gods delivered beautiful Pandora, to Epimetheus, who promptly fell in love with, having no foresight and not heeding his brother’s warnings. Pandora’s curiosity created the situation of her enlisting Epimetheus to join in opening the forbidden jar. Then, all the misfortunes of the world were unleashed … but at the bottom was fragile hope, that grew stronger as the will to look beyond the evils of the daily world. For his part of yet another punishment by the gods for standing by Pandora, Epimetheus spent the rest of his days in service to humanity.
Recognize the Exacting styles by their use of words like “should,” “is this right/fair?” ; their love of getting things “right” may create situations where they may accidently criticize others and point out mistakes, but it is in the hope to correct whatever the project/activity is… not so much to actually criticize the other.
Careers for the Exacting style include organizing, administration and just about any kind of data analysis, quality control, consistency or detail review. When specifics count, this style is a natural in that line of work.
The opposite traits are generalizing and Outgoing.
The Adaptive style is responsive, others-referenced, feeling- and people/process oriented.
Adaptive … Flexible … Like to present/hear more than one perspective … Prefer to keep options open … Versatile
In Hindu mythology, Vishnu is the key of the trinity representing preservation, with Shiva and Brahma being the Destroyer and Creator, respectively. As Preserver, Vishnu is all-knowing and all-powerful. Vishnu comes from the word Vish, meaning to spread in all directions, to pervade. He is the inner core or point through which all things pass. Vishnu comes in the forms of Avatars or 10 major manifestations that come to help earth and humanity: in fish, animal or human shapes with super powers.
Recognizing Adaptive styles may take a little observation – the key comes when they begin asking for more options – one of their passions in life.
Careers for Adaptive styles include coordinating activities, being the middle or ‘point person’ of about any kind of group activity. This may be for facilitating purposes, adapting to many stakeholders (as in non-profits, government or large enterprise organizations). They thrive in situations where there is room to adapt, offer variety of activities and work with others in a collaboratively manner.