PREP Coach
Certification Levels
PREP Advanced Insights offers an integrative Certification training and development program for independent, corporate and in-house HR professionals to meet various client soft skill and leadership needs. Our agile Certified Coach Platform allows for customized reports, bundles for widespread report applications across an organization to maximize soft-skills’ effectively for People Understanding, Communication, Listening and Trust.
myCORE™ Coach
Introductory Certification Session
This is the foundation for all the PREP Certification. The Certification Reports that support a CORE Coach introduce People Understanding for group and personal sessions, onboarding, conference get-to-know-you keynotes, workshop energizers. Powerful, simple graphics that allow for easy understanding without pigeon holing and judging own and others’ styles. The backend administrative platform is integrated and allows quick set up, distribution and client review of reports, minimizing the Coach’s and organization’s preparation time. Instead, focusing personalizing the report presentation via unique, acclaimed & insightful CORE charts.

myCORE Intro
myCORE Self
myCORE Career
CORE Trait Description Chart
Group CORE Summary Reports.
COREpro™ Coach
CORE Communications Sessions
This next training sessions build on the basics from the introductory myCORE session. Discover the insider’s guide to the elegant system powering PREP! Coaches learn how to identify the deeper levels behind the CORE traits, counter traits and the dynamics between traits that impact interpersonal relationships, group and team development and communications. The COREpro professional reports use PREP’s simple, yet highly sophisticated, integrative metrics and algorithms to support and strengthen their own and others’ fine-tuned Soft Skills. This Training offers insight into the First Impression style that opens the door to PREP’s unique Resiliency Predictors, key to identifying job success probability, behavioral interviewing deeper questions that open conversations through respect and aligning the associated job and career CORE style with an individual’s personal style.

All above PLUS pro versions for
CORE Character Profile
CORE Career Options
CORE Roles Map
Peer Coaching
Group Professional CORE Charts and Reports.
PREPpro™ Coach
Resiliency Certification Sessions
Resiliency Certification Sessions
With the proficiency of the COREpro sessions, Coaches uncover the ‘Secret Sauce’ that sets PREP apart from all other temperament and personality assessments. The PREP Resiliency Predictors bring in the highly acclaimed rapid insight into ones Current Motivation and Expectation levels. These behavioral insights reveal the recent changes and stress impacts in adapting to others to succeed, survive and/or thrive in their present environment – whether work or home. The deeper structural Personal Resiliency incorporates the Energy, Stress Level, and overall Change Readiness.
PREPpro sessions and the custom personalized follow-up 30 minute implementation session focus on these highly insightful, revealing scales with remarkably simple metrics and how that relates to the individual’s CORE Character, personal resiliency and wellness. Further focus is on how resiliency impacts teams, onboarding, culture, peer, career search and managerial processes. Additionally, Coaches will gather insights on how these factors support and fine-tune their own Coach professional outreach, development and client-conversation rapport. The practical insights of the resiliency predictors apply to virtually all Coaching fields– in the Coach’s special experience/expertise covers—e.g. business-, life-, wellness-, career-, personal- coaching.

All above PLUS
Personal Strengths Profile
Self Development Report
PREP Summary
Predicted Change Readiness Summary
PREP Data Graph
Group professional Reports, Charts and subscales.
Full Coach Guides for Managers, Sales, Specialists in addition to Peer.
PREPpro Senior Coach™
Advanced Coach Certification
Advanced Coach Certification
PREP’s 40-years of change resiliency research for predicting change readiness and job-success probability touches virtually all walks of life. From major industry sectors to different stages and levels of employment (entry level to CEO and Board Chair) is powerful, useful and straightforward for understanding change – culturally, staff engagement, performance-based management, developing change-ready leadership. We have distilled all the algorithms, metrics and research into a practical, straightforward Job Match training for PREPpro Senior Coaches. (formerly HRpro)
This advanced certification level requires prior experience in using PREP reports (plus a related people-management background) before becoming certified as a PREPpro Senior Coach. This advanced insights program is designed for Coaches, Managers and Professionals in leadership positions, responsible for developing, advising, coaching, hiring, recruiting, onboarding, performance management, outplacement roles and/or responsibilities.
Participants will learn the inner workings of the PREP Change Readiness key algorithmic factors, Career Succession based on strengths and the highly researched and acclaimed Job Match profiling system. As well as how to interpret, give feedback and customize implementation into your organization, adapt and evaluate specific position ‘profile ranges’ to use with the Job Match reports.
The 30 mins custom follow up session personalizes this Advanced Training to optimize PREP’s unique strengths and resiliency-based Certification system.
PREPpro Senior Certified Coaches will be comfortable identifying and applying Change Readiness levels, specific strengths and areas to focus for long-term Resiliency. Also, insight and key interview question skills that go beyond the surface for the interviewee and critical reference checks. How to create or update job benchmarks for your organization is an optional topic/integration.
PREPpro Senior Coaches will have access to specialized charts and graphs for Change Readiness and Job Matching:
-the Predictors of Change Readiness, identifying the seven factors PREP has uniquely researched and integrated into its Resiliency and Strengths approach to understanding people, culture, organizations with keen, rapid insight that includes emotional intelligence factors, misalignment of percepts, behavioral changes that indicate intensity as well as optimism or skepticism/pessimism that are key to ones personal focus, energy and stress balance.
—the Career Motivation Chart, identifying by different CORE Traits specific benefits, compensation, other organizational incentives that engage and support developing high potential and key employees according to each person’s CORE trait combination.
–Predictors for Job Success: the Overall Job Match, Current Personal Resiliency Match, Current Motivation is also explained and part of the charts HRPro Certified Coaches can access.

All above PLUS
Change Readiness Charts
Career Motivation Chart
Job Match Summary
Job Match Manager’s Report
Job Match Pro Report
Certification Programs
Regional “Classroom” Certification Programs
These Certifications are scheduled regionally and coordinated by PREP on a periodic basis. Individual companies can receive standard discounts for sending multiple employees.
Certification Programs
The Coach Certification training can be customized for in-house management or team development workshops. In-house programs can be customized for specific organizational needs – including which reports and how to use them to accomplish group, organizational goals and soft skills