COACHING Career Coaching
Working in the right job makes a qualitative difference in a person’s life. Our career coaching supports clients in developing and achieving their career visions. We take into account personality style, interests, skills, values, formal and informal education, personal vision and mission to provide a clear path to a next step … the right next step. PREP keys to coaching others in career planning include:
- Natural position and industry matches
- Motivation factors for current interests or career directions
- Identifying current energy levels to match job demands
- The PREP Survey assesses change readiness that is useful and timely for making effective career transitions
PREP’s unique “The Coach”™ training guides and activities offer uniquely integrated approach to explore and discover your best path to explore your CORE career vision and personal mission to manifest your passion and talents in your work.
Our Certified Coaches help you better understand the impact of your current environment, motivation and personal change resiliency.
I have been using PREP reports and career/ roles matching charts since 1987. Coaching over 500 individuals in Outplacement transitions, new career coaching for High School and College students, mid life career changers, I use this quick and straightforward, easy-to-complete survey as part of the intake. I have been impressed with the accuracy of identifying general roles and positions that match my client's desired situations. Also how easy it is to identify the 'mismatch' areas they can learn to recognize quickly and steer towards something more rewarding.

HERON Associates, Littleton CO