SURVEY Take the PREP Survey in 3 easy steps
The PREP assessment takes just 5 minutes for an individual to complete and offers a full complement of reports for understanding yourself, your personal resilience, energy reserve and how you relate with others. Managers, Health Professionals and Coaches find this insight a quick, respect- and trust-building conversation starter and guide to understanding your strengths more fully. You can discover deeper insights for how roles and careers match ones natural CORE style, leadership approach, team interactions, communications, approaches to different tasks and how your current stress resilience plays into your overall change readiness for taking on new, different or more tasks. PREP’s insights will also enhance deeper understandings and appreciation of your strengths and challenges in personal or work relationships. We have reports to support work transitions and changes—timing, approach and how satisfying you might experience different positions in management, sales, analytical work, client and customer work fields. PREP insights take a and predicting both natural and challenging relationships individuals, teams, and managers may experience, useful for self awareness as well as working with Professionals, Managers and Coaches.
Step 1Take the 5-minute PREP Survey
Take the 5-minute PREP Survey

It’s simple! There are two short parts with slightly different instructions – just complete with your first impression! While it’s best to complete in your native language, English is the default when you have an 8th grade common reading level.
Step 2
Decide Which Insights You Need, Select the Report!
After completing the survey, there are multiple reports that your Coach can generate, depending on the type of insight needed.
- Starting with your CORE Character Insights report
- Identifying your Personal Resiliency through the PREP Profile
- Individually improve your understanding and relationships through PairMatch insights
- Build better Team interactions with our Group insights, charts, reports
- Work-task-job-career match your CORE nature and Personal Resiliency with our Job Match series
- -Fine tune your “Owner’s Guide” so you and others can better understand you through the Coaching Guide section. MORE
Your Certified PREP Coach is trained to offer additional insights to enhance your personal impact and application of these reports!

Step 3
Turn Awareness into Action

Equipped with insights you’ve gathered as well as from the others you’ve vetted, the fun begins! This is the ‘so what’ of personality assessments.
Being relevant to help you better balance work and life is not just interesting, but has always been our goal!
Understanding yourself is a window to appreciating your strengths, having compassion (and tips!) for your challenges and supporting you to develop a plan of action – either on your own or with a Certified PREP professional for the deeper changes you may wish to make. There’s a spirit of renewal to your goals – perhaps a re-set, change of course or deepening commitment to something truly meaningful, not yet realized.
PREP Advanced Insights, Inc has a network of consultants and coaches certified in the tool to assist individuals, teams and organizations apply the insights and desired course-corrections discovered from the assessment and insights to improve work and well-being. Contact us for a complementary consultation!